Cornwall VSF
Cornwall VSF’s membership, reach and impact has grown over recent years, and we are interested in hearing from prospective trustees with a range of experience that can future proof this fantastic charity and continue to support the VCSE sector.
In particular, we are looking to recruit at least two new trustees – one with a strong financial background to act as our Treasurer and provide stewardship of our increasing budget. In addition, we are looking to recruit a trustee that is interested in becoming our future Chair. We are committed to proactively seeking greater diversity and lived experience on our Board, to reflect the people and communities that we serve.
Please read our Trustee pack and full job description/ person specification available below.
We are a small operational team, who is committed and passionate about delivering our vision of a connected, supported, and well-promoted VCSE that is sustainable, flexible, and resilient. We welcome trustees who are able to offer support, advice and expertise to the team and be actively involved in our work.
We are seeking people with the passion, drive and commitment needed to help us achieve our mission and have identified the following priority areas to complement our existing strengths:
- Treasurer
- Contracts and commissioning
- Communications / marketing
- Health representation
- Business development / strategy / planning
We encourage and welcome people who are suitably skilled from all backgrounds. We particularly encourage people who are disabled, or people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds and LGBTQ+ groups as these people are currently underrepresented at Board level. Whilst previous board experience is desirable, is not an essential requirement from all new trustees; we have a commitment to support and develop trustees to ensure that they can fulfil their roles and responsibilities effectively and make a positive contribution to our board.
We would also actively encourage people who are currently working at grassroots level with communities in Cornwall, either in a paid or voluntary capacity and would like to have representation from a young trustee on our Board. As a supporter of the Young Trustee’s Movement we recognise that young people offer a different insight and perspective, which will ultimately lead to better governance and will bring new ideas and perspectives on your board which challenges traditional beliefs and systems.
Cornwall VSF Diversity Monitoring Form April 2023
Cornwall VSF Trustee JD & person specification v2
Cornwall VSF Trustee Pack
Application Process and Timetable
If you are interested in this opportunity we encourage confidential conversations with our recruitment partner Anna Jay, MD of Public Leaders Appointments in advance of your application. [email protected] / 07904 236 348
Your application should consist of a CV or professional bio supported by a covering letter of no more than 3 sides of A4 outlining your motivations for applying and highlighting how your skills, knowledge and experience meet the requirements of our new trustees.
Applications, along with the Equality and Diversity monitoring form, should be submitted by midday on Wednesday 20 March 2024, with reference “CVSF Trustee”. Early applications are encouraged.
We are committed to ensuring that our organisation and this process are accessible to everyone regardless of race, gender, ability, religion, sexual orientation or age. We would be grateful if you could also complete and return our Equality and diversity monitoring form with your application. The information you provide will help us comply with our commitment to ensuring equality and our aim to improve diversity across our organisation.
Following consideration of applications and shortlisting, we will invite selected candidates to meet with our chief executive for an information conversation, followed by an interview with our Chair and panel of trustees. There will also be an opportunity to meet some of the team.