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Who is Cornwall VSF?

We are a charity dedicated to connecting, supporting and promoting the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.

Our aim is to support local charities, voluntary groups, and social enterprises to build a stronger and more sustainable community sector.

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Image shows activity within a community hub


Working to create greater connections.

We coordinate partnerships to deliver services for people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. These include People in Mind, Kernow Community Gateway and hub network, WorkWell and Supportmatch Homeshare.

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Attendees during the VSCE/ICS Cornwall conference and workshops


Working together around a common theme.

Our alliances enable VCSE organisations, groups and individuals to come together to share challenges and opportunities, provide peer support, and lobby for change.

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Resources for the sector

Upcoming events

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people in a training environment
Information, Event Series

Lunch and Learn Recordings

Watch past Lunch and Learn workshop recordings designed to provide bitesize offers of information to the VCSE sector.

two men conversing in an outdoor seating area

Cornwall VCSE Cancer Focused Community Outreach Fund

Funding to support VCSE organisations in Cornwall to implement innovative engagement activities that increase uptake of cancer screening.

Deadline: 28 February 2025

a woman mechanic is working on a car

Welcome to WorkWell

Supporting people with a health condition or disability to start, stay and succeed in work.

Winter wellbeing text with a cartoon house in a snow globe and snowflakes

Winter Wellbeing Guide + Top Tips 2024/ 25

Winter Wellbeing guide with up-to-date guidance on; home - heating grants, changes to the winter fuel allowance, advice on pension credit, council tax benefit support, staying warm in Winter – Top Tips, Thermo cards & looking after yourself in Winter. Updates on NHS Winter vaccinations, Winter campaigns and projects, with further reading on housing, mental wellbeing support, money and back to work advice.