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At Cornwall VSF, we know that collaboration helps communities to thrive. We engage with business and public sectors to ensure the VCSE sector has a voice.

These partnerships enable us to build connections in meaningful ways, ensuring the sector is stronger and better working together.

Our Connecting function includes:

  • Running thematic and strategic alliances
  • Collaborating with the sector and partners on service provision and projects
  • Organising events and providing networking opportunities
  • Brokering connections between the VCSE and public sector bodies
  • Providing a point of contact for the public sector
  • Signposting to relevant VCSE organisations
  • Supporting and facilitating consultation, co-design and co-production with the VCSE sector.

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Image shows members of our Children, Young People and Families Alliance from the community sector


Our alliances enable organisations, groups and individuals to come together around a theme.

A group of women from different backgrounds and ethnicities is smiling in a supportive manner

People in Mind

People in Mind starts with an initial conversation about what matters to the individual. It is using the Human Learning Systems approach to learn how to collaborate better.

Woman smiling and interacting with a young child over a cup of drink in a communal setting.

Community Gateway

A dedicated helpline in Cornwall that provides access to a wide range of professional community sector support and services.