The Youth Music Trailblazer Fund
Grants of between £2,000 and £30,000 are available over 2 years for constituted UK organisations for projects that encourage children and young people aged under 25 to make, learn and earn in music.
Funder: The National Foundation for Youth Music (founded 1999. Charity number 1075032. Total charitable expenditure for the year ended 31 March 2022: £14,391,927 (2021: £12,753,630)).
Who can apply: constituted community groups, including registered charities, Community Interest Companies CICs) and voluntary organisations in England.
Key words: Children and Young People Aged 25 and Under, Music, Shared Learning, Disabled/Disability, Deaf/Hearing Impaired, Early Years, Youth Justice System, Disadvantaged Young People, Diversifying Workplaces, United Kingdom.
The Youth Music Trailblazer Fund offers grants of between £2,000 and £30,000 to UK constituted organisations to run projects for children and young people aged 25 and under to make, learn and earn in music.
The following funding is available:
- For organisations that are less than 12 months’ old, grants of between £2,000 and £15,000, or
- For organisations that are more than 12 months’ old, grants of between £2,000 and £30,000.
Projects must meet one or more of the following themes:
- Early years
- Disabled, d/Deaf and neurodivergent young people
- Youth justice system
- Young people facing barriers
- Young adults
- Organisations and the workforce.