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You can talk to the friendly Gateway team via a dedicated telephone line: 01872 266383.

Telephone lines are open 7 days a week 8am – 8pm.

Woman smiling and interacting with a young child over a cup of drink in a communal setting.

Kernow Community Gateway is a helpline available for everyone and provides access to a wide range of professional voluntary sector support and services.

In response to increasing living costs and pressures across the health and care system in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, a unique partnership of more than 50 voluntary organisations has been working with NHS Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board to offer ongoing support to communities across the Duchy.

Providing a ‘gateway to independence’, The Gateway staff talk to people to identify their needs and put appropriate packages of support in place. The Gateway is a simple point of access and aims to create personalised plans that prevent hospital admissions, reduce social isolation, and improve wellbeing. It will also connect people to mental health support, community activities and wider winter support including hot food and warm spaces.

People can access the Gateway via a dedicated telephone line: 01872 266383, and email address: [email protected] to speak to trained staff and find local support that’s right for them. In addition, staff members in the community will be available to offer one to one and group support.

The Gateway is open 8am to 8pm, seven days a week, 365 days a year – including Christmas day.

As well as offering a lifeline for members of the community, the Gateway will also offer access to voluntary sector support for people arranging support on behalf of others such as GPs, other healthcare professionals and community groups.

Community Hubs Network and Community Gateway Prospectus

Find out more about the Community Hubs Network and Community Gateway and how you can get involved.

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A joyful girl wearing a yellow jacket sits on the lap of a smiling man in a wheelchair, and they both look at a smartphone together in an outdoor setting.

Community Gateway assets

Download a range of branded assets to share with the communities you work with. Updated April 2024

a group of older people practicing chair yoga at a community hub
Health, care and wellbeing

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19 November 2023

Image shows Growing Links Street Food Project. A staff member or volunteer is serving hot food to people in their community

Community Hub Network

Community hubs are central points that provide support and contact for their communities. They are places where people can come together.


  • What can the Community Gateway help with?

    The Gateway can help connect you to a wide range of community support and services including help in the home or getting people home from hospital, personalised care plans gardening and transport. It will also connect people to mental health support, community activities and wider winter support including hot food and warm spaces.

  • What can’t the Gateway help with?

    The Gateway will never turn people away and will always try to help. However it is a preventative service – if you need urgent care consider a healthcare provider in the first instance

    The Gateway does not offer personal care, medication prompts or feeding people. It can direct you to organisations that provide this service.

  • Where can I find marketing assets to help promote the Gateway to the people I work with?

    You can download a whole range of assets including posters, social media images and postcards here

    For physical A6 postcards, email [email protected]

  • How can I get involved with the Community Gateway or Community Hub network?

    Email Ben Gillespie, Community Hubs and Gateway Quality Assurance and Learning Lead, at [email protected]

You can talk to the friendly Gateway team via a dedicated telephone line: 01872 266383.

Telephone lines are open 7 days a week 8am – 8pm.


Brand Pack

In this PDF you will find branding tools for the Community Gateway partnership as well as the Community Hub Network. This includes logos, font and templates to help promote the services.

  • Community Hubs Network and Community Gateway Brand Pack

Gateway statistics and impact

Between November 2022 and October 2023, the Gateway received over 48,000 calls and emails and provided almost 7,000 support plans, this infographic highlights the positive impact the Community Gateway has had across Cornwall.

  • Community Gateway Infographic - November 2022 - October 2023