VSF Mental Health Alliance
9:30 am – Arrival refreshments and time to network
10:00 – 10.15 am – Intro to sessions
10:15 – 10:45 am
Community Mental Health Transformation – Journey so far and what means for VCSE sector and our communities. Various case examples shared from VCSE providers. This will include detail on the Primary Care Network Mental Health Hubs.
10:45- 11:30 am
Part 1 – Discussion, review of alliance development journey what we said we wanted to do and where at now. What has been achieved and not in the current landscape of Mental Health support across county.
11:30-11:45 am Break
11:45am-12:30 pm
Part 2 – Identification/agreement on key piece(s) of work to drive change. How can we resource and utilise the Alliance budget.
12:30 pm Finish
Getting there
The hospital car park is next door. It is £6.00 for four hours. A cheaper option for £2.20 for park and ride. The shuttle goes from Langarth end and the Newquay road end. Buses run every 10 mins. These also link to other public transport.
Timetable - Truro Park and Ride
Timetable - Truro Park and Ride