Collaboration funding to reduce suicide in Cornwall
Laura Barnes
11 August 2023
11 August 2023
Community Wellbeing Fund launched
Cornwall VSF has been working with colleagues across the sector, to connect, support and promote your work. Our People in Mind collaborative service reduces suicide in Cornwall.
We are an infrastructure organisation, and one of our reasons for being is to create parity of esteem. From our collective impact through the Covid pandemic, the community sector now has a seat at the table. We have leveraged various funding streams to help you help our community. We have done this via:
Care Coins – targeted mental health support for anyone working in the VCSE in Cornwall. £70,000 funding
VCSE learning academy – funded training to support capacity building and upskill. £75,000 funding
People in Mind – a VCSE-led service to reduce suicide in Cornwall. £5m funding (over 5 years)
Integrated Care Board – funding to support thematic and place-based community groups. More information will follow. £3m (over 3 years)
And this is only the start. With Cornwall VSF managing contracts as a non-delivery partner, we ensure:
This week, we cannot wait to share the Community Wellbeing Fund. This is available to charitable organisations via the People in Mind partnership. Cornwall Community Foundation is administering the grant. You can read more about how to apply on our funding page. With partners, we designed it to fund impact-led groups that reduce suicide in Cornwall.