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VCSE collaborative wins regional health award

Ellen Rudge, Comms Manager
Ellen Rudge
15 December 2023
Winners of 'Collaborative Working’ South West Integrated Personalised Care Awards 2023

Winners of 'Collaborative Working’ South West Integrated Personalised Care Awards 2023

Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly’s collaborative approach to how health and care services are provided has been recognised in the South West Integrated Personalised Care Awards 2023.

The awards recognised the hard work and commitment from a variety of teams across the VCSE including Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum, Volunteer Cornwall, Disability Cornwall, Humans, CHAOS together with NHS services, Primary Care, local authorities, who have worked tirelessly over the last 18 months to deliver the right service, in the right place and at the right time.

Teams across the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care system were awarded the ‘Collaborative Working’ award, which showcases how local people have been benefitting from a network of support that includes:

  • Community enablement services which reduce hospital admissions and helps get people home from hospital
  • Network of over 50 community hubs that provide hot food, warm spaces, activities and support groups
  • The Community Gateway service, a dedicated telephone line that provides access to a wide range of professional voluntary sector support.
  • Home from home reablement service at Penhallow

In total, Cornwall and IOS received the following accolades:

  • Green Award – Winner, St Austell Healthcare
  • Digital Award – H. Commended RCHT Dermatology Unit, Winner St Austell Healthcare
  • Personal Recognition – Leanne Knapp RCHT Dermatology Unit
  • Connecting People – H. Commended Imagine If – part of community hub network
  • Seeing Me – H. Commended Humans
  • Collaborative Working – Winner VCSE collaborative partnership