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VSF Children, Young People and Families Alliance

1pm – Arrivals and Welcome 20m
1.20pm – Intros 10m
1.30pm – Liz Cahill Integrated Care Board – overview her role and what Core20+5 is (and focus on the specific areas for Cornwall) 20m
1.50pm – Whole group discussion and identify 4 key themes to be explored in smaller breakout discussions 20m
2.10pm – Split into 4 groups focus on one theme answering questions on a) what enables good outcomes in this area for the CYP families you work with? B) what gets in the way? C) what needs to change? 30m
2.30pm – Break 15m
2.45pm – Group feedback and discussion 30m
3.15pm – Whole group identified key takeaways /action points 20m
3.35pm – Other Alliance business, updates 25m
4pm – Finish