Could you be part of the new Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Climate Commission?

26 February 2024
A new Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Climate Commission is seeking applications to join as its first Commissioners.
The independent body is being set up to challenge, catalyse, and convene the region’s leaders, organisations and communities to take effective action in the face of the climate and ecological emergencies.
A highly diverse range of people, with a wide range of skill sets, experience, geography, ages, and backgrounds, are wanted to bring their unique perspectives to being Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly’s first Climate Commissioners. Applications are now open, with a deadline of Monday 8 April, and details on how to apply can be found at the Commission’s website
Climate Commissions are independent organisations that bring together people and organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors who work together to help drive, guide, support, and track climate action. There are over 20 Climate Commissions across the UK, providing assurance, technical advice and advocacy for action across cities or regions. The Climate Commission model has been designed to create a visible and widely representative mechanism; proactive, engaged, neutral, knowledgeable networks with collective ‘climate clout’; and a platform for broader engagement and democratic deliberation.
The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Commission is being set up by a Development Group drawn together from different sectors across the region, including community, business, education, culture, and agriculture. The Development Group will shortlist the applications and select the first Commissioners.
The Commission will initially consist of between 10 and 15 Commissioners, who will serve a 3-year term with the potential for a second term. Commissioners will meet quarterly, and have the option to establish sub-groups, panels, and committees to bring other perspectives and skills into the Commission. The time commitment involved will vary between Commissioners, but will involve at least 4 meetings a year.