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The Whitley Animal Protection Trust

The charitable objects of the Whitley Animal Protection Trust are:

  • To give financial support to any charitable purpose or purposes, organisation or organisations concerned with the prevention of cruelty to animals, and
  • The promotion of the welfare of animals.

A majority of the grants provided are repeat donations. The Trust provides essential core funding to these smaller charities without which they would find it hard to maintain their activities. The Charity does also make one-off grants, but a majority of the grants tend to be for longer-term commitments.

Applications may be made at any time in writing.

Please note that the Trust does not have website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.

The trustees meet twice each year to review applications. Successful applicants are required to report back to the Trust on how their grant was used.

Contact details for the Trust are:

Mrs S Smith
The Whitley Animal Protection Trust
9 Corve Street

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