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The Rambler’s Holiday’s Charitable Trust

The Rambler’s Holidays Charitable Trust exists to support people from all walks of life to access the outdoors with an emphasis on helping those who might not be able to access the outdoors without help and support.

The Trust makes grants to registered charities in England and Wales which promote walking, protect public rights of way and provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and adults to enjoy, understand and appreciate the beauty of the countryside, particularly where this leads to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside and urban open spaces and encourages participation in walking.

The Trust’s charitable objectives are to promote, encourage and assist in:

  • The provision and protections of footpaths and other ways over which the public have a right of way or access on foot.
  • The protection and enhancement for the benefit of the public of the beauty of the countryside and other areas which are provided for the benefit of the public.
  • The provision of facilities for and the organising of walking and other outdoor recreational activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities are intended, namely the public at large, and in the interests of social welfare, and
  • The advancement of the education of the public in subjects relating to access to, and the preservation and conservation of, the countryside, and of the health benefits of outdoor recreational pursuits.

Please note that the Trust does not have a website, Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.

Applications may be made at any time in writing, addressed to:

Michael Duxbury – Trustee
The Rambler’s Holidays Charitable Trust
C/o Rambler’s Holidays Ltd
Lemsford Mill
Lemsfor Village
Welwyn Garden City
AL 8 7TR
Email: [email protected]

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