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The Maypole Fund

Grants of up to £1,000 are available for projects by individual women or women only groups to resource imaginative, non-violent activities by feminist anti-militarist women to proactively challenge patriarchy.

The Maypole Fund was established 1986 by women involved in the peace movement, particularly through the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp. The Fund is an unincorporated non-profit association which has chosen not to seek charitable status in order that it can support peaceful campaigning, activism and advocacy.

The Maypole Fund will open its next application round on Wednesday 1st January 2025 (deadline Friday 31st January 2025), offering small grants of up to £1,000 to support activism for imaginative, non-violent activities by feminist anti-militarist women. Applications can be made by individual women or women only groups for activities that proactively challenge patriarchy (i.e. societal or governmental systems in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from power).

Applications are welcomed from women for projects and activities that meet the following aims of the Fund:

  • Anti-militarism.
  • Action against the arms trade.
  • Action against nuclear weapons and weapons systems,
  • Action to support disarmament policies, processes and related initiatives, and
  • Creating a culture of peace and nonviolence and the prevention of conflict and war.

One-off grants up to £1,000 (this was previously £750), with no matched funding requirement, are available for a wide range of activities. Maypole grants have previously funded projects such as:

  • Making videos.
  • Printing leaflets, and
  • Putting on exhibitions.

A number of examples of previously supported projects are available on the Fund’s website.

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