The Green Hall Foundation
Grants are available mainly, but not exclusively, to national organisations in the fields of social welfare and medicine with special emphasis on the support of young people in need and also both mentally and physically disabled persons.
Preference is given to making grants to assist in funding special projects that make a tangible difference to the applying charity rather than grants to supplement funds and salaries used for general purposes (i.e. core costs). Overseas projects may be also supported provided that the applicant charity is registered in the UK.
In considering all appeals for major grants the trustees will take into account, where appropriate, the financial reserves of the applicant charity.
UK registered charities may apply for a grant of between £1,000 and £10,000, but please note that the application window is very small.
The next round opens at 9am on Monday 2nd September 2024 and closes as soon as 150 eligible applications have been received, which is normally within an hour or two of the programme opening.