The Frank Parkinson Agricultural Trust
The strategy of the Frank Parkinson Agricultural Trust is centred around enhancing the productivity of British Agriculture to meet the challenges of a growing world population and increased competition for resources. The Trust aims to achieve this in partnership with the wider population and local communities. It is keen to encourage applications for financial support with projects and programmes that identify and spread best business and technological practice for the benefit of British Agriculture.
The Trust awards a small number of grants annually for initiatives that strengthen and improve agriculture in England, Scotland and Wales. Projects that can demonstrate that they can have the maximum impact over the widest area are more likely to receive grant support.
Grants are available for one or more of the following:
- The encouragement and assistance of the social and cultural welfare of people who work in the agricultural industry.
- The establishment of convalescent homes, hospitals, hostels and social and welfare amenities of all kinds for people who work in the agricultural industry.
- The establishment of scholarships, bursaries and exhibitions at any University, College or other technical institution or under any scheme of training in any branch of the agricultural industry.
- The granting of financial assistance in any form and under any conditions to enable young persons of ability who are in need of assistance and are working in the agricultural industry to improve their education and experience by working, training or otherwise.
- The improvement and welfare of British agriculture.
- The making of grants to any charity or organisation which is carrying on any work in connection with the provision of any of such benefits as aforesaid, and/or
- The undertaking of agricultural research or the provision of grants in aid of agricultural research.
Grants, which are discretionary (i.e. the amount awarded can vary significantly), are available to registered charities, universities, colleges or other organisations, including businesses, where agriculture is taught within Britain. Individuals may also apply for grant support. Applicants may be required to contribute some matched funding.
To apply, eligible organisations should email the Trust’s secretary, Mark Steele (see contact details below), with the following information:
- A project description.
- Details of any matched funding and the amount provided by other contributors to the project being applied for.
- The total project cost and the amount requested from the Trust, and
- The project timescale.
Further information about the work of the Trust, including plenty of interesting resources, is available on the Trust’s website
Contact details for the Trust are:
Mike Steele
Frank Parkinson Agricultural Trust
Auchencairn Cottage
Email: [email protected]