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The B&Q Foundation

Grants of up to £10,000 are available to UK registered charities for projects that improve homes and community spaces for people who are experiencing financial hardship, health challenges, disability, homelessness or other forms of disadvantage.

Who can apply: UK registered charities.

Key Words: Financial Hardship, Ill Health, Sickness, Hospices, Homelessness, Housing, Refugees, Improving Community Spaces (Indoors and Outdoors), Disability, Disadvantage, Decorating, Equipment, Buildings, United Kingdom.

The B&Q Foundation supports UK registered charities that are working directly with people in need by providing small grants for projects that:

  1. Provide, maintain, repair or improve housing or community space, and/or
  2. Support people in poor housing or those who are homeless.

The Foundation will provide grant support for all people experiencing disadvantage, with a particular interest in charities working with:

  • A disability.
  • In financial hardship.
  • Ill health and sickness, and/or
  • The homeless.

Examples of potential projects include (please note that this is not an exclusive list):

  • Creating a new room.
  • Creating an indoor or outdoor space.
  • Creating a sensory or community garden.
  • Decorating and renovating, and
  • Improving heat retention.

Grants can be for up to £10,000 (previously up to £5,000), with the occasional higher award. Grants can cover equipment and staff time. There is no specified requirement for matched funding and charities do not need to be in an area where a B&Q store is located in order to apply.

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