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Sea-Changers: Grant Programmes

Sea-Changers are a UK marine conservation charity, managed by a small team of volunteers who love the UK’s seas, shores and wildlife. Giving grants to UK marine charities and non-profits for conservation and research projects.

Applications are open for the following grant opportunities:

 Main Grants 

  • For grants between £500 and  £2,500.

  • Two grant rounds per year.

  • Deadlines for applications are 31st March and 30th September each year.

 Small Grants 

  • For grants of up to £500.
  • Apply any time and get a quick decision.

Who can Apply?

Sea-Changers gives one-off grants to UK-based charities and other organisations (including schools) carrying out marine conservation related activities.

What objectives must projects meet?

The projects we fund will achieve one or more of the following objectives:

  • To address the root causes of marine conservation threats and challenges in the UK.

  • To prevent or reduce negative impacts on UK coastal and marine environments and/or species.

  • To add to the body of knowledge about marine conservation threats and challenges in the UK. ​

What type of projects do we fund?

Sea-Changers is particularly interested in grassroots projects that galvanise community action and projects that increase the number of people taking action for marine conservation.

We will consider partial funding of projects where other funds are also being sought or are already in place, but you will need to demonstrate exactly which elements of the project the Sea-Changers grant will be used to fund, as well as how our funding fits into the wider finances of the project.

Eligible applications for both the Main Grant programme and the Small Grant programme will be evaluated against the following criteria:

1. Measurable impact on the marine environment

2.  Impact on the organisation

3. Community/grassroots base

4. Value for money

5. Ongoing or wider benefits

6. Innovation and creativity

Grant funding application process 

  1. Read through the eligibility criteria to see if you are eligible to apply and to check if your project meets the funding criteria.
  2. If you are applying to fund beach cleaning equipment, we advise that you speak to The Helping Hand Company.  They produce robust equipment and offer a 10% discount to projects funded by Sea-Changers. 
  3. Download and complete the Main Grant Fund Application Form or the Small Grant Application Form depending on how much you’re applying for.
  4. Section-by-section advice on how to complete the Main Grant Form is available.
  5. You may also find it useful to look at the Evaluation Form that grant recipients complete at the end of their project. This will give you an idea of the importance we place on having well-defined project outcomes.
  6. Complete and return the application form to [email protected]
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