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Scops Arts Trust: Local Music Festivals

Edinburgh-based, the Scops Arts Trust aims to widen access to the arts across the UK, particularly in the area of performing arts projects  which will benefit all ages and sectors of the community. Project proposals should have a lasting cultural impact on the community.

There are 3 funding rounds in 2025, these will be as follows:

  • Round 1 – Local music festivals (children’s performances are excluded) – opens Tuesday 14th January for decisions by Tuesday 15th April. Application deadline Tuesday 28th January 2025.
  • Round 2 – Early career musicians focusing on performance opportunities – opens Tuesday 20th May for decisions by Tuesday 19th August.
  • Round 3 – Children and young people’s instrumental music education (choirs are excluded) – opens Tuesday 9th September for decisions by Tuesday 9th December.

Grants can be for up to £30,000. However, most grant awards are for much lower amounts and usually for less than £10,000.

The application process is as follows:

1. Applicants should complete the Eligibility Quiz on the Scops Arts Trust website.
2. Eligible organisations that meet the criteria can then make a Stage 1 application.
3. A selected number of Stage 1 applicants will be invited to complete a Stage 2 Full Application online.

The Trust gives its next deadline for applications on its website as 5pm on Tuesday 28th January 2025. 

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