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Godolphin Cross Community Association (GCCA)

Hours: n/a
Salary: This is a voluntary role
Location: n/a

Godolphin Cross Community Association (GCCA) needs to recruit three new Trustees to join its  local committee of nine people in total. GCCA is a registered charity and CIO that specialises in “looking out” for local people of all ages and interests in and around our village, and wider afield.

GCCA own The Old Chapel on behalf of local people and have spent over half a million pounds on improving it. The work we do is volunteer led, with paid part-time staff employed in key roles, making for a great mix of skills, motivations and interests!

BUT – due to the retirement of long serving Trustees, we need NEW ideas, NEW faces, NEW perspectives and NEW energy! All Trustees help with fundraising events as they take place, but there are specific tasks also associated with these 3 positions.

  1. Trustee/Treasurer is a key position in our charity; interested parties need to be reasonably good with simple IT programmes and have the time to focus on our business for maybe 2-3 hours a week. You’ll be backed up by our paid Accountant/Advisor, Tony Kirk, so there’s always a safety net. You’ll need to be happy to be a bank signatory for online and cheque payments and work closely with the Chairman and Secretary, who are experienced in their roles.
  2. Trustee/Bookings & Publicity spends an hour or so a week making sure local people get the information they need about GCCA from Facebook pages, the GCCA website and local papers. We also run a simple online booking system for the Chapel (“HallMaster”) and keeping this updated is a regular but simple task, online.
  3. Trustee/General will be a part of a team of 9 local GCCA Trustees, and we look forward to having someone with energy and fun ideas join us to give people of all ages something to look forward to.

Interested? Ring or text the Chairman, Richard Mckie, on 07479 969334 or Secretary Clive on 01736 762950 or email to [email protected] – OR request further specific information, such as Annual Accounts, Business Plan, Constitution etc.
