Healthy Relationships Education for Secondary School ‘Train the Trainer’
Thanks to Safer Streets funding, we are proud to be able to offer training to professionals who work with Young People and/or children in how to provide and facilitate The Safer Futures Healthy Relationship Programme to groups of young people in an education or youth work setting and/or Healthy Relationship intervention and advice to young people in a one to one context.
As part of the Safer Streets Project, Barnardo’s are delivering a train the trainer element to the Healthy Relationships Programme. This is part of the prevention of harm and violence against women and girls strand of the project and is an opportunity for free training to professionals and organisations that aim to deliver the programme as a course and or /its interventions on a 1:1 basis to young people .
The ‘Train the Trainer’ Healthy Relationships Education Course will cover the following :
- An Overview on the need for Healthy Relationships Education, Information and Intervention
- The Programme Safer Futures deliver in Year 9 – 13
- A mini master class on facilitating Healthy Relationship Programme activities
- The resources to provide the training, including the presentation and lesson plans
The Programme contains course content on:
- Gender stereotypes
- Online Safety
- Control & Coercion
- Recognising healthy and unhealthy relationships
- Recognising domestic abuse
- Communication
- Government guidelines on PSHE
Booking Conditions
This free training is funded by Safer Streets only for individuals who work and/or reside in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly, United Kingdom.