Ending Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence in Cornwall
Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (CIOS) are hosting a conference about preventing harm and ending domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV) and violence against women and girls (VAWG).
Safer Cornwall and CIOS Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and CIOS Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) are delivering this conference in partnership. It follows on from last year’s conference, which focused on the theme of mental health: ‘Ask, Listen, Act.’
This year’s cross-partnership event is on Wednesday 11 October 2023 at the Pavilion Centre.
Nicole Jacobs, Domestic Abuse Commissioner is confirmed as a keynote speaker.
Focusing on promoting healthy relationships through the ages, this one-day event is critical for raising awareness, sharing knowledge and advocating for positive change. It will bring together experts, activists, policymakers and survivors of violence and abuse. We’ll discuss various aspects and positive solutions to end DASV and VAWG and promote gender equality.
We plan a full day of inspirational presentations. Collectively, we’ll explore working together to make real, sustainable change to improve services and people’s lives. The event puts the voice of victims and survivors at the heart of prevention strategies. We will look at effecting culture change to address the root causes of this ‘public emergency’.
This conference follows the launch earlier this year of two, new five-year strategies. Each has the core message that ending DASV and VAWG in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is ‘everyone’s business’.