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Barnardo’s: Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Level 2 Training

Level 2: This level 2 course is aimed at people who are working directly with people affected by domestic abuse, who want to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the scope of domestic abuse and sexual violence, observing the signs and indicaters of Domestic Abuse and how to appropriately respond and refer to local services.

Covered within this course is further exploration of the topics covered in level 1 and an introduction to additional topics. This includes;

• The Scope of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

• The impact that abuse has on victims and to be able to recognise the signs and indicators, with a focus on Identifying Coersive Control and in its impact within an a relationship

• Engaging in Routine Enquiry and the postive impact this can have

• Stalking, harassment, honour based abuse

• An Introduction to The Risk Indicator Checklist (DASH)

• An Introduction to the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

• Information Sharing

• How to respond appropriately to victims including a pathway for risk assessment

It is recommended if no previous training or professional experience of working with domestic abuse and sexual violence that you first attend our Level 1 course.

At the foundation of all DASV training is an understanding and awareness of controlling and coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship.

Barnardo’s Safer Futures recognise that people are affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence exist in all areas of society. We provide training for all professionals across all sectors.

Booking Conditions

This training is funded only for individuals who work and/or reside in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly, United Kingdom.

Book here