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Barnardo’s: Bystander in the Community Training (Online)

The bystander effect refers to the phenomenon in which the more people there are present, the less likely people are to help a person in distress or at risk.

For example, a couple are arguing in the street and one person looks to be in extreme distress. It appears that one person has more power than another.

Because there are other people around, people assume that someone else will deal with it and the result is that no-one does anything. The situation may escalate resulting in a violent or harmful crime, and harm to a person.

The overall crime rate in Cornwall in 2022 was 40 crimes per 1000 people, with the most common crimes relating to violence and sexual offences.

You, as an active bystander, could play a role in the prevention of violence and sexual offences occurring in the Cornish community by responding when you see or hear inappropriate behaviour.

What we can offer you:

  • Certification for yourself
  • Certification for your organisation
  • Padlet – online resource platform for you to refer to at any time
  • Entry into a quarterly prize draw for a £25 local business voucher

Booking Conditions

This training is funded only for individuals who work and/or reside in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly, United Kingdom.

Book here